My name is Viktor, and this is my website! I mainly plan on using this to link all of my pages on other sites together, but I also may use it for other creative outlets too.
This site will probably be a work in progress for a very long time, I know very little coding. Currently, I am using a pre-made base for this site, but as a learn more about coding, I plan on building my own layout in time. What is currently here is really just a place-holder.
I am in college and classes are starting up again soon, which unfortunately will take my time away from neocities, but hopefully I will find some free time to work on the site.
As of right now, none of the links on here work. That is one of the first things I plan on fixing though. Like I said before, I want this site to host links to my other pages (Tumblr, AO3, etc.) I also plan on adding other pages to the site itself. Probably just a bio about myself and some of my interests. I am also considering putting a portfolio of my art on here too.